
We are very excited to announce the FENS Satellite Event “ISTA-FKNE-CHET Young PI Symposium”, two days before the main FENS meeting.

ISTA-FKNE-CHET Young PI “Transition to Independence” symposium will provide an interactive scientific, leadership, and networking platform for early career group leaders (0-10 years) in the field of neuroscience.

Starting and (effectively) running a group has various challenges. Scientifically, early group leaders must hire motivated and talented people, set-up the necessary infrastructure, get experiments running (in case of an experimental group), manage all projects including troubleshooting, acquire funds, and more. They also must develop from being “just-a-scientist” to a leader, mentor, and coach. Peer support is beneficial to drive this transition process, but finding peers can be difficult.

This symposium’s goal is to initiate a peer network.

The first part of the day will focus on science: participants across different neuroscience disciplines will share their scientific expertise, discover common interests, and set the basis for future collaborations.

The second part focuses on the development of leadership, mentorship and (lab) management, to run a successful group.

We aim exclusively for an in-person event.

Sandra Siegert (ISTA)
Lora Sweeney (ISTA)

Organizing Committee:

Mateusz C. Ambrozkiewicz (Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
Michaela Fenckova (University of South Bohemia)
Celine Gillebert (KU Leuven)
Hilde Janssens (ISTA)
Nikos Konstantinides (Institut Jacques Monod Paris)
Nora Raschle (Universität Zurich)
Dorothy Tse (Edge Hill University)